Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Why all the neon?

So in the last few weeks I have noticed an increasing amount of neon stationary appearing on the market. post it notes, planners, folders, paper, you name it is comes in neon.

Now, I love my highlighters, my collection is growing monthly, I purchased some 'bright' post it notes for highlighting items in my diary but THAT IS IT!

Now, I am looking for some show of hands who agrees with me on this controversial statement. NEON IS TACKY!!!!  
Even Filofax have jumped on the band wagon of neon, seriously????
I envision Filofax as a classy English brand that professional people tote around the fancy streets of London. Not an insane hue of colour that is neon....
Brace yourself; here is an example -
I am sorry, but how is this classy???
It can never compete with the classiness something like this binder from Filofax.

Now, I can imagine a professional person carrying this during the lunch break from their fancy office job in London.
So there you have it, my rant is over. I know many people won't agree with me, and I by no means am your typical definition of classy. (A fancy Filofax helps though, right?). I am not writing this with the intention of upsetting anyone, I am hoping that I am not alone in the thought of this.
Now I will go an drool over some muted colour Filofax's. :)


  1. I completely agree. I bought my first Filofax a couple of months ago (a lavender personal Metropol) and have been looking for a more classy, muted color planner that I can take to work and I've had no luck. I think Filofax is trying to attract a younger crown with their new products, but in my opinion they should still keep a good variety for those of us who don't particularly want to carry around neon binders.

    1. I honestly think they have missed the mark. I am that young person who has a some what of a disposable income and willing to splurge on myself. I however think trying to cater to this market has dropped the company's image as being a high class brand. I don't place neon with high end luxury item.

      I am so glad I'm not alone in this. :)

  2. I totally agree with you on all of the neon floating about, and I'm starting to feel that way about stickers, too.

    I recently purchased a Filofax Eton Personal from Alan over on Philofaxy - lovely leather, professional and dignified. I promised him not to sticker it to death. I just feel that it would be sacrilege and detract from the professionalism of the binder.

    1. Haha! I imagine he would be very proud of you for not littering it full of stickers.

  3. Although I do agree-neon is very bright--I am so nostalgic, it isn't even funny. It's like I've been transported back into 1987 all over again. Now, if only Jem and the Holograms had had that neon Filo...

    1. I love the 80's - and was born in the wrong decade. I love the idea of owning a professional red, black, grey vintage planner from the 80's. Maybe one day *sigh*

  4. I agree - as a young (21, I'm young right?!) person who doesn't often have enough money to justify spending a lot on planners, I want something classic that'll last me a reasonable amount of time - my recently ordered raspberry Finsbury is as outrageous as I'm willing to go, & I think the fact that it isn't shiny (or neon!) keeps it looking smart enough to carry around to uni & then to work.

    I think neon is definitely a fashion thing which isn't going to last, & that's absolutely the opposite of what people (generally) love about Filofax.

    1. Being 21 myself, I would consider us young! (I'd hope lol). Great choice on the raspberry Finsbury - I think those type of binders are young, evoke personality and funky enough but still be professional. I would cringe walking into a client meeting with a neon binder.

  5. I'm not a fan of neon either! Never have been!
    I prefer the orange Original over the pink one though! The pink is wayyy too bright!

    1. The pink one is so over the top. I chose the orange one because I dislike the Colour orange witha passion lol.
